How to learn to love the run

You have heard your friends rave on about how good they feel after a run and they invite you to join them. How often have you said “ I am not a runner “.


Truth is about running is that everyone started from somewhere and no one was ever a speedy runner or long distance runner to begin with. The important thing to remember they too have taken the leap to start, keep on pushing when times get tough and keep improving. So everyone “ can run”.

Why should you give it a go? Running is a form of meditation. It is time for you to get clarity, destress, clear the head. It brings so much joy to so many people. The sweat dripping down your face. The breathing gets heavier. Legs start to tire. Yet as you finish, you are engulfed with those feel good endorphins and sense of accomplishment that you did it. It doesn’t matter how fast or slow you go, just remember that YOU CAN.

How do you build up your endurance, speed and distance for running? Here are some tips from Eva Maiolo at Running Wild Fitness.

1. Do intervals.

Mix up your running speeds. Any timing will work, for example, 1 light pole sprint, slower to the next one. 1 min fast. 30 Rest. 3 Min Faster, 2 Min Slower.

2. To build up your distance, start small and gradually add on.

Before you know it, you will be building up the distance. For example if you run 5km and you are wanting to build up to 8km run, try running for 1min extra each run or to the next road intersection before having to stop or walk for a break. It’s okay to have a break! You can then Try shortening your rest break down/ walking time too.

3. Run with friends or a group.

Sometimes you just need a buddy or someone to inspire you to keep going and keep you motivated when times get harder to find you running mojo. The other good idea is to tell someone about your goal, so they can help keep you on track.

4. Add in the hills or the stairs.

We all have a love, hate relationship with hills, but by taking them, they will really help our power, and endurance when running. Mix up your routine by adding shuttles up the hill ( i.e. Pick a tree to run to, come back down, pick a tree further up to run to next, then back down.. and keep going.) Can’t find a hill… tackle the stairs!

5. Just keep going!! Perseverance is the key.

Keep on trying, keep on going and create a good routine to keep tackling it. Mindset is also key. Focus that you can do it and visualise how you will feel after you completed it. If you are finding it hard to fit in, schedule it as your “ me time” in your diary if need be. Get your clothes out the night before if you are finding it hard to get up out of bed. It will get easier to keep inspired. Don’t be too hard on yourself, as remember, it takes little steps to keep moving forward towards your goal.

6. Keep building your strength.

Just because you are adding in running, doesn’t mean you forget the strength workouts. Keep working on the calf, glutes, leg strength and core. Short of time? Do some calf raises in the kitchen or glute bridges or squats while you are watching TV. A handy little piece of equipment is a resistance band and mini band. These are amazing at building up your strength and can be done anywhere.

7. Pick a good pair of running shoes.

When was the last time they were replaced? I would highly recommend getting some proper running shoes fitted to ensure that your feet have the right comfort and support they need when they run. Trust me, your knees, feet and legs will thank you for it.

8. Find an event to train for.

An event helps give us a goal to work towards and really rewarding after you have completed it.

9. Run somewhere different.

Running the same route is great if you want to test your time and pace. But doing each run in the same spot, will get boring. So keep spicing it up. Try a new suburb to run, or hit the trails. Explore Trails WA or All trails that have heaps of information and ideas of beautiful places just waiting to be explored.

10. Most importantly, have fun.


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